Easter: The Egg and The Cross

Today is Easter, today is the day that our faith hangs on.

Outside of the Church the most visible symbol of Easter is the Easter egg. It is a symbol of new life, a symbol of hope that something new and vital is about to arrive.

Inside the Church the most visible symbol of Easter is the cross. It is a symbol of punishment, a symbol of agony, a symbol of death.

Easter is a perfect picture of the realities of life. The cross is the agony and the cost, the egg is the new life and the new hope. When it comes to living life I’m sure you’d like to have nothing but the new life and the new hope but there are always the really difficult days, they come again and again whether we want them to or not. Jesus – being perfect and sinless – could have rested in his paradise living in life and hope but he didn’t. The rest of us can’t stop the bad days from coming, because we live in a world changed by the evil sinful desires of people, but Jesus could have lived for an eternity of good days. He gave that up to live a life, filled with all the problems we face, which he knew was headed to the most horrific death because he chose to love you.

Without us Jesus would have had nothing but the life and hope of the egg, without him we would have had nothing but the agony and despair of the cross. Because Jesus willingly bore the worst day and the worst punishment we can follow him and move forward into an eternity without pain, without suffering, without loss, without despair, without hatred, without rejection, without the cross that was owing to each one of us.

On Good Friday we celebrate that Jesus died because that choice means we can be washed clean and made right. Today, on Easter Sunday, we celebrate that Jesus lives because that truth means that we too will be raised and live for eternity in perfect unity with God in a place of joy, peace, and love.


God Bless

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